The Chamber
Board of Directors

Amauris Vásquez
President | De Camps Vásquez & Valera

HMA Mockbul Ali
Honorary President | Her Majesty’s Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Rayan Polanco
Vice President | Liftag, S.R.L.
Secretary | OMG, S.A.S.

Omar de Orbe
Treasurer | Pricewater House Cooper

María Del Pilar Díaz
Director | British Motors, SRL

Campos De Moya
Director | Lantica Media Inc.
Director | DIAGEO Dominicana, S.R.L.
Director | United Brands, S.A.
Director | Altice Dominicana, SA
Director | Banco Popular Dominicano
Director | Central Romana Corporation
Director | Labya, S.R.L.
Director | Pernod Ricard Dominicana, S.A.
Director | Inicia Ltd.
Director | United Petroleum Group Haina, S.R.L

Nicole Toribio
Executive Vice President | BRITCHAM
The Chamber
Permanent Advisory Committee
Comprised of past presidents, the Permanent Advisory Committee offers continuity and expertise to the Chamber. Beyond suggesting initiatives, they manage the Board of Directors' election and oversee selection policies, providing an essential voice in our sessions.

Leonel Melo
2018-2020 | OMG

José Rodríguez
2014 - 2018 | EGE Haina

Campos de Moya
2012 - 2014 | INICIA
2010 - 2012 | Jiménez Peña

Roberto Herrera
2006 - 2010 | Compañía de Electricidad de San Pedro de Macorís (CESPM)

León Rubio H.
2004 - 2006 | Do-Ven Import & Export Co.

Rosalinda Thomas
2002 - 2004 | Thomas Tour - Golf International

José María Cabral
1998 - 2002 | Cabral & Díaz

William Harper
1996 - 1998 | William Harper & Asoc.

Fernando González Nicolás
1987 - 1996 | Founder